École Champs Vallée School


  • Voyageurs News – October 31st

    Posted on    Posted in News and Information


    The school will be classed for students on November 1st for Professional Development.


    Our student-parent-teacher meeting nights are on November 5th and 6th.  Times have been confirmed with your child’s teacher(s).  Please contact your child’s teacher if you need clarification.



    All students need indoor shoes suitable for use in the gym and for wearing around the inside of the school.  Please take a moment when you come to the school for conferences to have a look at your child’s indoor shoes to make sure they are in good condition.

    Additionally, if your child uses a locker, please have a look in your child’s locker to check for organization and tidiness.



    Champs Vallée will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair from Monday, November 5th to Thursday, November 8th in the Learning Commons.  Your child’s class will be coming to the book fair during their regularly scheduled library classes. For those who have library on a Friday, classes have been rescheduled throughout the week so that everyone has the opportunity to purchase books.
    If any parents would like to volunteer to help during any hours of the book fair, please send me an email at [email protected], or come in and see Zoe.  Coming in as a helper during your child’s library/book fair time is very much appreciated.
    Book Fair Hours
    Monday, November 5th and Tuesday, November 6th
    9:15 am to 2:35 pm 
    ***closed during recesses and lunch***
    3:15 pm to 7:30 pm (during parent/teacher interviews)
    Wednesday, November 7th and Thursday, November 8th
    9:15 am to 2:35 pm – open for both Elementary and Jr High lunch recesses
    ***closed during morning and afternoon recesses***
    Thank you,
    Zoe Stagg, 
    Library Clerk


    Proper nutrition is important for all of our students to provide them with energy for their day at school.  We have been noticing a number of older students not eating during the school day.
    Teachers have been asked to email parents when a student comes to school without a lunch to make sure parents are aware of the situation and arrange supports or strategies if needed.



    We have groups of students who have created businesses in the school as part of special leadership projects.  On most Thursdays students will sell 12″ donair pizzas for $5.00 each at lunch and New Orleans style beignets/donuts at the end of the day for $1.00 each.  Supplies are limited and should not be relied upon as a lunch.  As the students learn to manage the budgets, prices might change.  All profits go towards purchases that benefit all students in the school.

    Due to the school closure on Thursday, there will not be any pizza and beignet sales this week.  Sales will resume next week.

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