École Champs Vallée School


School Council

École Champs Vallée School Council

École Champs Vallée School Council

Next Meeting

ÉCVS Staff Room and Online
May 27, 2024 7:30pm
Google Meet Link
Meeting Agenda
Previous Meeting Minutes

Email [email protected] with any questions

School council is a collective association of parents, staff and community members  whose purpose is to advise the principal and the board regarding matters relating to the school.  It is a means for the entire school community to work together to support and enhance student learning. 

All parents registered at ÉCVS are welcome to attend the School Council meetings.  Decisions at meetings will follow a “Town Hall” style format with each parent having an equal vote. Meetings will take place online for the foreseeable future.  

Parents can fully engage with comments and questions or just sit back with the camera off to listen and observe. There is no pressure to sign up for volunteer commitments. This is a great opportunity to hear about what is happening in the school and a chance to provide input to the principal and division. 

Typically, School Council meetings are about an hour long. There will be reports from the principal, teachers rep and school trustee talking about activities in the school, highlights of the school budget, education plans, and school division news.  The School Council also helps out with special projects like family dances, school events and clubs.


To support and enhance the quality of learning and development for all students at École Champs Vallée School, while in turn inspiring a passion for life-long learning


  • To support the students, facilities, and staff with our input and assistance on all matters pertaining to students’ education.
  • To assist in developing a well-informed and highly involved parent body.
  • Learn together, achieve together and celebrate together.

Schedule for 2023/2024 School Council Meetings

Meetings are held bi-monthly at 7:30 P.M on the third Monday of each month. Hybrid format: in-person and Google Meet. 

AGM – September 18, 2023

November 24, 2023

January 15, 2024

March 18, 2024

May 13, 2024

2023/2024 School Council Executive

Chairperson – Carrie Blumenthal

Vice Chairperson – Ashley Quaale

Secretary – Sandra Heron

Communications Officer – Melissa McIsaac

Fundraising Liaison –Melissa Bender

Principal – Patrick Gamache Hutchison