École Champs Vallée School


  • Voyageurs News – November 18

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    School Council and Fundraising Society

    The next Champs Vallée Fundraising Society and School Council meetings are taking place on November 21. The meetings will take place in a hybrid format (in-person and available online).

    Champs Vallée Fundraising Society Meeting

    Hybrid format taking place in person in the ECVS staff room and Online

    November 21, 2022 at 6:30pm

    Click here for Meeting Link

    Click here for Meeting AgendaClick here for the previous meeting minutes

    School Council Meeting

    Hybrid format taking place in person in the ECVS staff room and Online

    November 21, 2022 at 7:30pm

    Click here for Meeting Link

    Click here for Meeting AgendaClick here for the previous meeting minutes

    Champs Vallée Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on the following dates: 

    Tuesday, November 29th, Wednesday, November 30th and Thursday, December 1st. 

    Please go to the following link to book a time with your child’s teacher(s). The booking link will be open from November 18th to November 25th. 


    Please email Mrs. Woronuk at [email protected] with any questions. 

    Scholastic Book Fair

    School Handbook Highlights

    Children who are suffering from communicable diseases (i.e. COVID-19, pink
    eye, mumps, measles, Fifth disease, chicken pox, viruses, and the flu) should be
    kept home until they have completely recovered. Children coming to school ill
    are usually unable to function well, provide a source of infection for others and
    would probably recuperate faster at home.

    Reporting Communicable Diseases
    The following diseases must be reported to the Public Health Authority under
    the Public Health Act. This list includes only notifiable diseases that may be
    seen in schools. Please contact the Beaumont Public Health Centre at

    Chickenpox, Diphtheria, Encephalitis, Gastrointestinal Infections (Giardiasis,
    Salmonella, Shigella), Haemophilus Influenza Infections, Hepatitis, Measles
    (Rubeola), Mumps, Meningitis, Polio, Reye’s Syndrome, Rubella (German
    Measles), Tuberculosis, Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
    Please report cases of scabies, head lice, ringworm, and influenza (flu), and
    Fifth Disease to your Public Health Centre as well.

    In the interest of the health and wellbeing of all our students and staff, please
    be sure to notify the school if your child has contracted one of the
    communicable illnesses listed above.

    Inclement Weather
    Information on bus operation and school closures can be found at
    www.blackgold.ca or on various radio stations.
    If Black Gold bus students are to be sent home early, the School Messenger
    system will try to contact all parents. During inclement weather, it is the
    parents’ decision if their child is to attend school. Please ensure that all
    children are dressed appropriately for the weather regardless of how they get
    to school.

    Please label your child’s outdoor clothing to assist in the event it is lost at school.

    Indoor Recess
    When it is very cold in winter, we check with Environment Canada to see what
    the temperature is and if there is a wind chill or weather warning in effect. We
    then make a decision as to whether students go outside or stay in for recess.
    Students are always welcome to stay inside or enter the school to warm-up
    before school or during recess. There is great benefit for children to go
    outside to get fresh air and to play at recess. Children should always come to
    school dressed as if they will be going outside. On very cold or wet days,
    students will remain indoors for recess. Students will play safe games and
    activities under supervision.

    Beaumont Sports and Recreation Centre Free Family Passes

    The City of Beaumont is offering every school in Beaumont 2 passes for families to borrow from their schools.  

    The loan period is for one (1) week.  

    The pass must be returned to the school after the loan period so that another family can enjoy the amenities the city and its recreation centre has to offer.  

    Please fill out the following form and our librarian will contact you when the pass is ready for you to borrow. 

    BSRC Pass Loan Form

    The loan is on a first come, first served basis.

    Free Chromebook Request Form


    This form is to request a decomissioned Chromebook from Black Gold School Division in 2022. 

    The Chromebooks were decommissioned due to having expired licenses with Google that can’t be renewed for institutional use.  Black Gold’s insurance provider does not allow the operation of equipment with expired software or licenses on the school networks.  The devices are permitted for individual use on the BYOED network.

    We have around 40 devices.  All families with students in Grades 4 to 9 are welcome to complete the form. 

    If the demand for Chromebooks exceeds the supply, we will use a randomizer to select the recipients.

    These chromebooks are for individual students at school, not for family use at home. They should be charged at home in the evening and brought to school each day for use.  Management, repair, and eventual disposal will be the responsibility of the recipients.

    Junior High Basketball Tryouts Dates & Times

    Grade 7 Girls:

    Tuesday November 29th3:15-4:30
    Friday December 2nd3:15-4:30
    Thursday Dec 8th3:15-4:30

    Grade 8 Girls:

    Tuesday November 29th3:15-4:30
    Friday December 2nd3:15-4:30
    Thursday Dec 8th3:15-4:30

    Grade 9 Girls:

    Wednesday November 30 3:15-4:30 
    Tuesday December 67:00-8:15 (morning)
    Friday December 93:15-4:30 

    Grade 7 Boys:

    Monday November 283:15-4:30
    Thursday December 13:15-4:30
    Wednesday December 73:15-4:30

    Grade 8 Boys:

    Monday November 287:00-8:15 (morning)
    Wednesday November 307:00-8:15 (morning)
    Wednesday December 77:00-8:15 (morning)

    Grade 9 Boys:

    Tuesday November 297:00-8:15 (morning)
    Friday December 27:00-8:15 (morning)
    Friday December 97:00-8:15 (morning)

    2022 Elementary Christmas Concert

    We look forward to welcoming families to the school for in-person Christmas concerts this year.*

    More details on the concerts will be sent home soon.

    Theme: Nutcracker Sweet
    Tuesday, December 20 (French Immersion)
    Wednesday, December 21 (English)

    Concert Times
    5:30 – 5:50  Kindergarten
    6:00 – 6:20  Grade 1 
    6:30 – 6:50  Eng. Grade 2, Fr. Grades 2 & 3
    7:00 – 7:20  Grade 3, Fr. Grades 4 & 5
    7:30 – 7:50  Grade 4 & 5, Fr. Grade 6
    8:00 – 8:20  Eng. Grade 6

    *As respiratory illnesses are causing many schools to postpone large gatherings due to being on AHS Outbreak Status, we could postpone or change the format of the concert in the event that there is an illness outbreak (over 10% of families) in our school community. Same as with school, students and families should stay home if symptomatic with illness.

    Christmas Elves

    We have a box near our Learning Commons for any donations of items for the Beaumont Christmas Elves.

    Our Stories