École Champs Vallée School


  • Voyageurs News – April 29

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    Upcoming Dates

    May 4 – Early Dismissal, Wellness Day

    May 16 – Grade 6 FLA PAT, Grade 9 ELA PAT

    May 17 – Grade 9 FLA PAT

    May 17 – 2022-2023 Kindergarten Information Night

    -18:30-19:15 In-Person at the School

    -19:45-20:15 Online with Google Meet

    May 18 – Grade 6 ELA PAT

    May 19-20 – Professional Development Days – No School for Students

    May 23 – Victoria Day – No School

    May 26 – School Spirit / Voyageurs Day

    Wellness DayMay 4

    If any parents want to help out with Wellness Day they can email Mme Creurer at [email protected].

    Elementary stations will be running during the morning and the Junior High stations will run during the afternoon. If you are willing to help, please indicate if you would like to help in the morning, afternoon, or both.

    Virtual Book Fair Countdown!

    Dear Champs Vallée Families,

    Our school’s Scholastic VIRTUAL Book Fair starts next week! It will be open from

    May 4 – May 18, 2022

    Let’s continue to give our students access to the books they want to read! We are excited to provide this opportunity for families to shop together, from the comfort of home.  This is an online only shopping event.

    Your investment in your reader also helps our whole school. All purchases earn Rewards that can be redeemed for books and Education Resources for our school’s classrooms and library.

    When it’s time to shop, visit our school’s Virtual Book Fair site using this link:


    ALL orders will be delivered to the school and sent home with your child!

    Before our Fair begins, click the link to:

    • SAVE it to your browser
    • WATCH videos of popular new titles
    • PREVIEW our Featured Books

    Happy reading!

    Mme Stagg

    ECVS Library Clerk

    [email protected]

    School Council

    Online with Google Meet

    May 16, 2022 at 7:30pm

    Click here for Meeting Link

    Click here for Agenda

    Click here for March meeting minutes

    Email [email protected] with any questions.

    Champs Vallée Fundraising Society

    Online with Google Meet

    May 16, 2022 at 6:30pm

    Click here for Meeting Link

    Click here for Agenda

    Click here for April meeting minutes

    Email [email protected] with any questions.

    2022-2023 Kindergarten Information Night -May 17


    School staff will introduce parents to our kindergarten programs and be available to answer any questions.

    Invitations will be sent to families who are pre-registered.

    -18:30-19:15 In-Person at the School -*Please do not bring children to the in-person presentation.

    -19:45-20:15 Online with Google Meet

    Champs Vallée Diversity Day / 

    Journée de la Diversité – 09/06/2022

    Celebrating the beauty of diversity / Magnifier notre diversité

    Call-out for Volunteers

    A French message will follow / Un message en français suivra 

    Dear families,

    At Champs Vallée, we value our students’ social emotional growth and recognize that it is just as important as their academic development. Part of fostering social emotional learning is engaging in activities that allow us to discover and reflect on who we are as individuals, while celebrating our differences as a community. 

    We are very excited to announce that we are hosting our very first Champs Vallée Diversity Day on Thursday, June 9th. Our goal is to celebrate the incredible diversity within our school through a variety of activities leading up to, and on the day of the event. In order to do this, we are in need of community members like you to help create an authentic celebration.

    Volunteers are needed before, during, and after the event. We are looking for people who have a passion for their identity and culture and who would like to assist in making this day a reality. 

    Volunteering or supporting this event may include:

    1. Organizing/facilitating activities or displays for students (in the form of a booth/table, performance, workshop, etc.)
    2. Setting up/taking down equipment
    3. Recipe submissions for our “Champs Vallée Family Recipe Book”
    4. Sponsorships/Donations

    All volunteers will have behind-the-scenes access to the unique experiences highlighted throughout the event, creating one-of-a-kind memories for our school community. If you are interested in supporting/volunteering, please send an email directly to [email protected].

    We thank you for your consideration,

    Diversity Day Committee

    Chères familles,

    À Champs Vallée, nous accordons une grande importance à la croissance socio-émotionnelle de nos élèves et reconnaissons qu’elle est tout aussi importante que leur développement académique. Une partie de la promotion de cette croissance socio-émotionnelle consiste à s’engager dans des activités liées à notre identité. De ce fait, nous permettant de réfléchir et de rendre hommage à notre unicité. 

    Nous sommes très heureux d’annoncer que nous organiserons le jeudi 9 juin 2022, pour la toute première fois, ÉCVS Journée de la Diversité. Notre objectif est de célébrer l’incroyable diversité de notre école à travers une variété d’activités avant et pendant l’événement. Pour ce faire, nous avons besoin de membres de la communauté comme vous pour nous aider à créer une célébration unique et authentique.

    Nous avons besoin de bénévoles les jours précédant, pendant et après l’événement. Nous recherchons des personnes passionnées par leur identité et culture, désireuses d’aider à faire de cette journée une réalité.

    Le bénévolat ou le soutien à cet événement peut comprendre les activités suivantes:

    1. Organiser et/ou animer des activités ou des expositions pour les élèves (similaires aux tentes/stands des Journées du patrimoine, mais à plus petite échelle).
    2. Montage et/ou démontage de matériel
    3. Soumission de recettes pour notre “Livre de recettes de la famille Champs Vallée”.
    4. Parrainages et/ou dons.

    Tous les bénévoles auront accès aux coulisses des expériences uniques mises en avant pendant le festival, créant ainsi des souvenirs uniques pour notre communauté scolaire. Si vous êtes intéressé par le soutien et/ou le bénévolat, veuillez s’il vous plaît envoyer un courriel directement à [email protected] .

    Nous vous remercions de votre attention,

    Le comité d’organisation

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