École Champs Vallée School


  • Voyageurs News – September 28th

    Posted on    Posted in École Champs Vallée School - Beaumont, General, News and Information

    Week of: October 2nd – 6th, 2023

    October 2nd (Day 1):
    • Junior and Intermediate boys Volleyball Practice @7am
    • Gratitude Grams being sold for $1 from 11:25-12:15 pm outside the office
    • Pokémon Go! Club @11:25 in rm.145
    • Intermediate Girls Volleyball Practice @310 pm
    • Rock Band Rehearsal 3:10-4:30
    October 3rd (Day 2):
    • Gratitude Grams being sold for $1 from 11:25-12:15 pm outside the office
    • Grade 6 Chess Club in Mrs. Duru’s room during last recess. 
    • Grade 6 boys & girls volleyball lunch recess
    • Grade 5 boys & girls volleyball last recess
    October 4th (Day 3):
    • Junior and Intermediate boys Volleyball Practice @7am
    • Chess Club @11:25 in rm.145
    • Gratitude Grams being sold for $1 from 11:25-12:15 pm outside the office
    • Rock of Ages rehearsal 3:10-4:30
    • Senior Girls Volleyball Practice at 3:20-5pm
    October 5th (Day 4):
    • Intermediate Girls Volleyball Practice @ 7 am
    • Grade 9’s will be on a field trip to Activate
    • Grade 6 boys volleyball lunch recess
    • Grade 6 boys & girls volleyball practice from 3:15-4:15 pm
    October 6th (Day 5):
    • Marmot Basin Meeting @11:25 in rm. 145
    • Gratitude Grams will be delivered to students and staff in the afternoon 
    • Grade 5 boys & girls volleyball last recess.
    • Grade 8 Field Trip


    This week, students had the opportunity (if dietary restrictions allowed) to try bison pemmican; a traditional First Nations food. The pemmican was supplied by the locally owned company Mitsoh.

    Gratitude Grams

    Students and staff will have the opportunity to purchase a gratitude card for $1. They can write or draw a kind message in the back and designate it to a special someone that they are thankful for. Gratitude Grams will be sold outside the office Monday-Wednesday then the cards themselves will be hand delivered to the special people on Friday near the end of the day. This is a great opportunity to be thankful and grateful for the wonderful people surrounding and supporting us! 

    Hot Lunch

    Hot lunches are ready to start again! Place your order today. Please remember to still send snacks on hot lunch days so that students can have some extra stuff to eat at break times.

    Please remember you need to reset your hot lunch account every year.


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