Upcoming Dates:
14 au 18 mars/ March 14 to 18 – Semaine de la francophonie
March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day – Wear something green
March 18 – Festival des Voyageurs Kindergarten to Grade 6
Lost and Found Video
Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
Teachers have communicated the dates and options available for in-person or online meetings. Please check with your child’s teacher(s) if you have additional questions.
Semaine de la francophonie
- Throughout the week of March 14 to 18, there will be a variety of special items added to our regular routine:
- Francophone music in the mornings and at the end of the day
- Quotes from famous Francophone people will be shared on the announcements
- Flag Raising video from the City of Beaumont
- The Festival des Voyageurs will take place on Friday, March 18th if conditions are favourable (if not, the event will take place on the 25th)
- other resources will be shared prior to the 14th 🙂
Festival des Voyageurs (Friday, March 18th) preliminary details:
- Kindergarten to Grade 6 (English and Immersion) will participate in activities around the school all day. Students will stay with their homeroom class.
- Junior high students will have some activities as well.
2021/2022 Alberta Education Assurance (AEA) Survey
The AEA surveys are designed to assess satisfaction broadly and generally.
To support continuous improvement, Alberta Education staff annually review and discuss with
each school authority their Alberta Education Assurance Measure (AEAM) results, education
plans, and annual education results reports.
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to share their specific concerns at the appropriate level. The
school or school authority are best positioned to address parents/guardians concerns or
questions about their child’s education.
Starting in late February, parents of students in grades 4 & 7 should receive the survey from Alberta Education.
In February and early March, students in grades 4 and 7 and all teachers will be completing their surveys online at school. All surveys are anonymous and ask questions about experiences with your school.