École Champs Vallée School


Emergency Response Plan

Emergency Response Parent Summary

VTRA Fair Notice

Hour-Zero School Emergency Program

Please select the above links for more information on our emergency protocols and how to keep our school community safe.

Inclement Weather

Information on bus operation and school closures is announced on the following radio stations: CFCW (790 AM), CISN (104 FM), CBC (740 AM), CHED (630 AM), CFRN (1260 AM), COOL (880 AM), GLOBAL & CITY TV and the district’s website at www.blackgold.ca. If Black Gold bus students are to be sent home early, the fan out system will try to contact all parents.  Information will also be announced over the same radio stations.  It is the parents’ decision if their child is to attend school. Please ensure that all children are dressed appropriately for the weather – walking or riding the bus.